Glutathione 411

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione (pronounced 'glue-ta-thigh-on'), or GSH, is three uniquely bound amino acids (peptides) used by the human body to protect against chemical and environmental threats.

Glutathione protects the body from chemical and environmental threats.

This tri-peptide is found in every cell throughout the body.

Glutathione contains the peptides Cysteine, Glutamate, and Glycine, and is found in every cell in the body.
Glutathione has a unique molecular structure.

GSH stands for Glutathione with a Sulfur / Hydrogen bond which unites the molecular structure of the three amino acids.

This unique sulfur / hydrogen bond is the key to unlocking optimal wellness.

What Does It Do?

“The secret of its power is the sulfur (SH) chemical groups it contains. Sulfur is a sticky, smelly molecule. It acts like fly paper and all the bad things in the body stick onto it, including free radicals and toxins like mercury and other heavy metals.”
Glutathione's Sulfur bonds act like fly paper, trapping toxins found in the body.
Mark Hyman, MD
Glutathione levels decrease with age

Glutathione is uniquely capable of serving the body’s challenges and then replacing itself. GSH functions as a tool for the body’s defense of both acute and chronic health challenges.

As we age, we produce less GSH than we did when we were young and healthy.

For optimal health and well-being, many medical and scientific sources are touting benefits of raising and maintaining Glutathione levels in the body, specially starting at age 20.

“If you have a chronic disease, most serious chronic diseases are associated with low levels of Glutathione. If you have diabetes, if you’ve gone through cancer, if you’re struggling with a serious infection that may indicate that you are depleting your Glutathione.” Dr. David Katz, Founding (1998) Director of
Yale University's Prevention Research Center

Yale University's Prevention Research Center
“GSH (Glutathione) is one of the most extensively studied chemicals of the human body and its decline with aging and disease and disease risk is well established. GSH is needed both for maintenance of normal metabolism and for defense against a range of disease and toxicity mechanisms.” Dean P. Jones, Ph.D. Natural Medicine Journal

Where Is It Found?

Most Glutathione is stored in the liver, which is also where most of its detoxifying action takes place.

Most Glutathione is stored in the liver
Glutathione guards the body against oxidative damage

Glutathione plays a significant protective role as a powerful antioxidant by guarding against oxidative damage throughout the body.

What Issues are Tied to Low Levels of Glutathione?

Cardiovascular Conditions

Neurological Conditions

Autoimmune Disorders

Skin Disorders


Trauma & Burns (Healing / Recovery)

Pulmonary Conditions

What Could Cause Low Levels of Glutathione?

Can Supplements Help?

Most Glutathione supplements are not stable as the three peptides degrade with exposure to oxygen.

Oral Supplements

There is no research proving oral supplements are effective at this time.

The stomach acids break down and separate the amino acids causing them to be ineffective as Glutathione

Intravenous Supplements

Intravenous supplements are effective, but they are extremely expensive (one average places them upwards of $900 per procedure), it has a short life span due to degradation (the molecule is too large for proper absorption).

It may also carry side effects such as a dependence of the procedure.

When you take the antioxidant intravenously, there is the possibility of shutting off the body's own production of Glutathione.

Transdermal Supplements

Transdermal supplements are a more effective mechanism for delivering Glutathione to the body.

Traditional Transdermals

Unfortunately, most manufacturing processes destroy Glutathione and can contain PEGs, Hormone Disruptors, Phthalates, Fragrances, DMAE and other toxic chemicals.

How to select the right Glutathione Transdermal

Ensure all ingredients are toxic-free, so you won’t be harmed by additives.

Research how the GHS is protected and stabilized.

The best products will be produced under a Nitrogen Blanket. When Glutathione is protected from exposure to oxygen through multiple encapsulation processes, it will minimize the degradation that can occur when applied to the skin.

The Benefits of Using a Transdermal Glutathione Cream